Alendra Bill Web Series, Wikipedia, Pictures, Age, Height, Affairs, Husband and Online Videos


Alendra Bill, also known as Alendra Bell, is a model and actress best known for her photo shoots and leading roles in web series. She began her career in modeling and photography shoots. Recently, she has taken on prominent roles in several web series, including "Chull Pani Chalka" on the Kooku app, "Yes Mam" on the Hunters app, and "Miss Teacher" on the Raven Movies app. Alendra Bill has collaborated with various OTT platforms and continues to work with them. She has over 200,000 followers on Instagram and enjoys sharing her photos and reels. She has approximately 5 to 6 years of experience in photo shoots and has entered into an agreement with a USA-based company.

Alendra Bell Actress Wikipedia

Nick NameKuku
OccupationActress and Model
Age24 Years(Till 2023)
Height5 feet 4 inch
Weight49 kg
Birth PlaceNew Delhi
Current CityMumbai

Alendra Bill web series video(Pani Chhalka)

Alendra Bill web series Trailer(Yes Mam)

Alendra Bill song


Alendra Bill Pictures

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